
Life is a Compounding Machine

All of life is a compounding machine. The decisions and life experiences we have early in life are more valuable than they are later in life. Each day's value is not linear, but exponential. The same goes for every dollar saved, every relationship created, and every workout completed.

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Are we lonely?

I heard Adam Robinson state that there is a very bad loneliness epidemic in America, if not the world. He was quite alarmist by the concept that we Americans are lonelier than ever. Though I'm confident we'd all agree we have a phone addiction, work too much, have smaller families, and generally relax too little, are we really that lonely?

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Phone Keys Wallet

I am consistently two minutes late to meetings. When in new places or surroundings I lose possessions easily. I get tired late afternoon, but am high energy late morning and late evening. After time with friends, I need to be alone to recharge.

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Golf Lessons

I started playing golf this year. There were limited activities available during COVID, and with my friends playing pretty often, it was finally the time to start playing. I’ve played around 8 rounds this year, more than my entire life. I’ve even begun to have fun.

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Do Facts Matter?

Two friends debated recently… Do facts matter? One argued that facts are meaningless. She argued that facts only support one’s biases and that facts can be manipulated to support any argument. The other argued that there exists an absolute truth and facts are a path to that truth.

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Notes on Happiness

Over the past few months I’ve been, for one reason or another, coming across the concept of happiness. I’ve not been searching for how to be happy, or the study of happiness, nevertheless the philosophy of attaining it seems to be coming up again.

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